Welcome to BC Agriculture Council

Working for B.C.'s farmers and ranchers.

BC Agriculture Council is the lead industry advocate for key sector-wide priorities in British Columbia. Our mission is to grow a strong, sustainable and competitive agriculture sector through building industry consensus and advancing public policy. We achieve this by delivering a unified voice for the sector to government through our member farm associations that in turn, represent approximately 96% of provincial farm gate sales in B.C.

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BCAC Benefits Program - Get A Quote Today!
No matter what industry you’re in or how many employees you have, the BCAC Employee Benefits Program will be able to offer a competitive benefits plan to help attract, protect and retain employees for farm employers.

BC Agriculture Council understands the unique challenges and rewards that come with farming. That's why we are dedicated to providing a benefits pthat truly supports you and your farm business.

When designing this program, we consulted directly with B.C. farmers and ranchers. By doing so, it has been tailored to meet your specific needs and priorities, ensuring that you have the protection and assistance necessary to thrive in today’s agriculture landscape.

Our Key Sector Priorities

Access to Labour


Access to labour is essential for food security and the success of the Canadian agriculture sector...


Emergency Management & Climate Preparedness


Ensuring farmland sustainability is crucial. Agriculture is vulnerable to changes in climate conditions and even...


Cost of Production


For farmers to make investments in technologies that enhance their efficiency and sustainability, they need access to working capital...


Water Security and Storage


Water is a cornerstone of agricultural production. B.C. farmers and ranchers recognize the importance....



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